大学英语读写(III)(郑州大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 The way to success Unit test part one

1、 1. While __ with the station’s real DJs, Les taught himself their posture and hand movements on the control panel.

答案:  hanging out

2、 2. A national __ is someone who, by the mere mention of his name, will remind people of his country.

答案:  icon

3、 3. Only those who uphold a committed and focused will and spirit, will find their  __  successful.

答案: endeavors

4、 4. You must insist that students give a truthful answer __ with the reality of their world.

答案:  consistent

5、 10. The purpose of many such small-scale adaptations is to __ the enterprise forward.

答案: propel

6、 9. Les stayed close in case there was some way he might help __ his coworker’s distress. He also worried that the illness was sure to doom this broadcast.

答案:  alleviate

7、 8. The crime was __ by evidence of child abuse and the fact that the victim was very young.

答案:  aggravated

8、 7. Good television programs should __ to different types of interest and taste among the public.

答案: cater

9、 6. Upon graduation, he became a garbage collector. The __ opportunities for his future looked slim to others, but not to Les.

答案: prospective

10、 5. Fortunately, there is a more __ attitude towards other religions in most parts of the world today.

答案:  tolerant

Unit 1 The way to success Unit test part two

1、 Which of the following factors can contribute to success?

答案: diligence;

2、   What rules should we follow to develop a good example essay?

答案: select sufficient specific and typical examples;
select relevant and persuasive examples;
an expert arrangement of the examples

3、  Which of the following are famous speeches made by Winston Churchill?

答案: We shall fight on the beaches;
 Blood, toil, tears and sweats

4、 The basic structure of an argumentative writing usually consists of three parts:idea-displaying, argumentation and conclusion. 

答案: 正确

5、 Denotation is the thing that is actually described by a word while connotation refers to the feelings or ideas it suggests. 

答案: 正确

Unit 2 Beat your fear Unit test

1、 1. Each member of the alliance agrees to take such action as it __ necessary, including the use of armed force.

答案: deems

2、 2. Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly __ to hot, dry winds. They are what we call weather-sensitive people.

答案: vulnerable

3、 3. In spite of the __ economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.

答案: bleak

4、 4. Professor Hawking is __ as one of the world’s greatest living physicists.

答案:  acknowledged 

5、 5. Please analyze it __ the principles discussed.

答案:  in the light of  

6、 6. I could see that my wife was __ on having that fur coat, whether I approved of it or not.

答案:  intent 

7、 7. Then, somewhere in my proximity, I overheard a still calm voice __ the panic.

答案: underlying 

8、 8. His head popped up, then a wave crashed over him and he disappeared for a moment; I had to __.


答案:  intervene

9、 9.Then, with __, I saw a thin arm waving weakly a few yards away.

答案: clarity

10、 10. I felt strong arms lift me. I __ not only from the sea onto the secure rocks of the jetty – but to my salvation.

答案:  ascended

Unit 2 Beat your fear Unit test part two

1、  Which of the following are usual techniques to enhance narration?

答案:   sensory description;
   use strong verbs

2、   Which of the following are useful tips to write good narrative writings?

答案:   clarify your point;
  plot your story well;
  enhance your narration;
     choose appropriate narrative perspective

3、   While making inferences,  readers can reason out the implications of the author with the help of  _____.

答案:   common sense;
  knowledge of the world;
  knowledge about the subject;
 contextual clues

4、  Which of the following are useful suggestions on how to overcome fear?

答案:  understand fear and embrace it;
 identify the fear;
 educate yourself, prepare and practice;
 get help

5、 Which of the following are useful tips on how to read a narrative writing?

答案:  focus on the title to infer upon the main idea;
 follow the time markers;
 pay attention to the narrative perspective;
 be attentive to some narrative techniques, such as dialogues, detailed description

Unit 3 Life stories Unit test part one

1、 1. I went to a school where we had to speak French all the time, but outside school hours I __ to English.

答案:  reverted 

2、 2.  Her __ was rarely wrong where such things were concerned, but there was always the off chance.

答案:  intuition

3、 3. Audrey felt it was wicked that billions of children were  deprived __ simple joys and drowned in overwhelming misery.

答案: of

4、 4. Mrs. Cummins, very __ in her duties, watched the whole process with a sensitive eye.

答案: conscientious

5、 5. She believed deeply in the ideology that all people share in the duty to care for those in need. Audrey Hepburn was always ready to lead __ example.

答案: by

6、 6. Just thinking about all the __ I received about my dramatic weight loss, and the proud way my husband looked when we went out in public, made me feel that what I had done was worthwhile.

答案:  compliments

7、 7. We just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that __ our civilization today.

答案: afflict

8、 8.  A soft evening breeze brought a __ smell from the company sink.

答案: foul

9、 9. But she refused to allow her spirit to be _ by the desperate reality of her young life.

答案: afflicted

10、 10. The young boy tried to immerse himself __ film in any way possible.

答案: in

Unit 3 Life stories Unit test part two

1、  Which of following are true of biography?

答案:   A biography is frequently written in chronological order.;
  A biography is a narrative essay.;
  A biography is about a person’s life.;
  A biography narrates, analyzes and interprets the most important facts of someone’s life.

2、   Which of the following are true about how to write a biography?

答案:   Choose a target person ;
  Search for information about the person;
  Select and arrange the details according to your purpose;
 Write a rough draft first 

3、  Which of the following are true of facts?

答案:   Facts are statements that tell what really happened.;
Facts are statements that tell what really is the case.;
  A fact can be proved with direct evidence.;
  A fact is something known by actual experience or observing.

4、   Which of the following are true of opinions?

答案:   Opinions are statements of belief, judgment or feeling.;
  Opinions show what someone thinks or feels about a subject.;
  Solid opinions are based on facts. ;
  It is not always easy to tell opinion from fact.  

5、   Which of the following are true about how to distinguish facts from opinions?

答案:  Facts tend to be objective and neutral.;
  Opinions tend to be personal and subjective.;
 In statements of opinion, we will often find adjectives or adverbs.;
 In statements of opinion, we will often find some expressions, like I believe, I think, I feel, I suggest, in my opinion and so on.

Unit 4 Let’s go Unit test part two

1、   Which of the following are the benefits of travel?

答案:   Traveling is a popular and effective way to get relaxed in stressful modern society.;
  Traveling is the one of the best means for learning.;
 Traveling provides us with new perspectives, inspirations and creative ideas.;
Traveling is also a growing process.

2、  How to develop a travel essay?

答案:   Make details intensely selective.;
  Choose words with special care.

3、  The purpose of cause-and-effect essays is to explain ___ to the readers.

答案:   The causes of an event or situation;;
  The effects of an event or situation;;
  Both causes and effects;

4、   How helpful is the prior knowledge and experience of good readers?

答案:   Help readers understand what they are reading ;
 Help readers understand confusing and challenging materials;
  Help readers make a text-to-self connection;
 Help readers attain successful interaction between the readers and the text

5、  Which of the following are famous travelers in ancient China?

答案:  Confucius;
  Xu Xiake;
  Li Daoyuan





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