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作业第四周 homework of week 3

1、 1. What sections are most research papers divided into?(2 points) 2. A research question is a statement that identifies the focus of the topic. What two purposes does it serve? (2 points) 3. Please read Text 3 and Text 4 respectively on Page 12 & 15 (textbook) and then list their research questions respectively? (6 points)Text 3Research questions 1:________Research questions 2:_______Research questions 3:______ Text 4Research questions 1:______Research questions 2:______Research questions 3:________
评分规则: 1. What sections are most research papers divided into?(2 points) abstract introduction materials and methods results discussion acknowledgments literature cited appendices 2. A research question is a statement that identifies the focus of the topic. What two purposes does it serve? (2 points) To identify the specific objectives of the research. To determine the size of the research and the length of the paper. 3. Please read Text 3 and Text 4 respectively on Page 12 & 15 (textbook) and then list their research questions respectively? (6 points)Text 3Text 3:1. How many types of cloud services are there and what are they?2. What is green computing?3. What are the advantages of the cloud computing? Text 41. What is Web 3.02. What are the advantages and disadvantages of of the cloud computing?3. What security benefits can the cloud computing provide?

作业第五周 第七周Lecture 18 summary writing 作业

1、 Homework of Week 7
评分规则: 1. Write a one-sentence summary of Source material 2 on Page 80. (2 points)2. Write a summary of Text 9 on Page 66 in no more than 150 words. (8 points)

作业第四周 Homework of Week 9


1、 1. What is the possible structure(4 moves) for RP(research paper)’s introduction?
评分规则: 1 establish the field 2 summarizing previous research3 preparing for present research 4 introducing present research

2、 2. What is the last part of the introduction and please describe the function of this part.
评分规则: explain it clearly

3、 3. What are the 2 requirements of a writer?(3 points)
评分规则: 1.good judgment about data while making claims2.good presentation of judgment

4、 What are the 4 moves for the introduction of a research paper?
评分规则: 1. establishing the field 2. summarizing previous research 3. preparing for present research 4. introducing present research

5、 Please identify the 4 moves to analyze the introduction of Text 16 in our textbook. Mark the functions of the sentences.Introduction The term genetically modified organism (GMOs) refers to plants, microbes and animals withgenes transferred from other species in order to produce certain novel characteristics (forexample resistance to pests, or herbicides) and are produced by recombinant DNA technology. [1. What function?] Four main sources of the hazards of GMO are discussed by scientists worldwide: 1) those due to the new genes, and gene products introduced; 2) unintended effects inherent to the technology; 3) interactions between foreign genes and host genes; and 4) those arising from the spread of the introduced genes by ordinary cross-pollination as well as by horizontal gene transfer (World Scientists’ Statement 2000). [2. What function?] GM crops contain material, which is not present in them under natural conditions, and they form a part of our daily diet.[3. What function?] To understand what effect they can have on us and on our animals it is vitally important to study the influence of these GM plants in different organisms for several generations. At the present, these studies are lacking from the scientific literature. Also, several detrimental effects of GM crops had been showed on the metabolism of animals. The hazard of genetically modified organisms (GMO) was shown for animals and the environment in many investigations (Traavik 1995; Ho and Tappeser 1997; Pusztai 1999 and 2001; Kuznetcov et al. 2004 and others). Earlier it was shown that consumption of GM food by animals led to the negative changes in their organisms. Experiments, conducted by A. Pusztai showed that potatoes modified by the insertion of the gene of the snowdrop lectin (an insecticidal proteins), stunted the growth of rats, significantly affected some of their vital organs, including the kidneys, thymus, gastrocnemius muscle and others (1998) and damaged their intestines and their immune system (Ewen and Pusztai 1999). Similar effect of GM potatoes on rats was obtained at Institute of Nutrition in Russia (Ermakova 2005). It is put forward in the risk assessment documents that the GM components of transformed plants are completely destroyed in the digestive tract of humans and animals, together with the other genetic material found in them. However foreign DNA plasmids are steadier against the digestion than it was originally believed. Plasmid DNA and GM DNA were found inmicroorganisms of the intestine and in saliva (Mercer et al. 1998; Coghlan 2002). Experimental researches in mice showed that ingested foreign DNA can persist in fragmented form in the gastrointestinal tract, penetrate the intestinal wall, and reach the nuclei of leukocytes, spleen and liver cells (Schubbert et al. 1994). In another research of Schubbert et al. (1998) the plasmid containing the gene for the green fluorescent protein (pEGFP-C1) or bacteriophage M13 DNA were fed to pregnant mice. Foreign DNA, orally ingested by pregnant mice, was discovered in blood (leukocytes), spleen, liver, heart, brain, testes and other organs of foetuses and newborn animals. The authors considered that maternally ingested foreign DNA could be potential mutagens for the developing fetus. At the same time Brake and Evenson (2004) analyzing the testis in mice as a sensitive biomonitor of potential toxic, didn’t find negative effects of transgenic soybean diet on fetal, postnatal, puber talor adult testicular development. [4. What function?] There is a lack of investigations on the influence of GM crops on mammals, especially on their reproductive function. [5. What function?] Therefore, it was decided that we undertake a study to see the effect of the most commonly used GM crop on the birth rate, mortality and weight gain of rat pups, whose mother were fed diets supplemented with the Roundup-Ready soya, a kind of GM food. [6. What function?]
评分规则: Definition, definition, background, review of the past studies, limitation, purpose

作业第六周 Week 11 Homework

1、 1. What is the structure of composing a good academic essay? And what is the role of each part in the essay writing? (6 points)
评分规则: 1. What is the structure of composing a good academic essay? And what is the role of each part in the essay writing? (6 points) Keys:1) a strong introduction: The introduction states your thesis or claim.2) well-organized body paragraphs:In the body part, each paragraph develops one aspect of your topic by providing clear and convincing details, such as giving reasons, examples, facts, statistics and quotations. 3) an effective conclusion:The conclusion is a summary or a review of the ideas discussed in the body. The content of the conclusion part may include different information due to different purposes, such as generalization, summary, prediction, suggestion, appeal to act, discussion of implications, directions for future research.

2、 2. Please analyze the structure and organization of Text 18 (page213-216) by identify its writing style and stating its thesis, major points and conclusion. (4 points)
评分规则: 2. Please analyze the structure and organization of Text 18 (page213-216) by identify its writing style and stating its thesis, major points and conclusion. (4 points)Keys:1)Type of writing:informative writing (effect analysis)2)Structure:Introduction: what are the ultimate physical effects of marijuana useBody: Short-term and long-tern effects of marijuana useConclusion: Some actions of marijuana are incompletely understood and their possible significance for health cannot at present be evaluated

作业第七周 Week 12 Homework

1、 3. Among the 5 different writing styles and methods, which one or ones do you think you will employ in your academic essay writing? And why? (3 points)
评分规则: open-ended

作业第四章 Homework of Week 3

1、 What sections are most research papers divided into?
评分规则: They are divided into the following sections:
abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments , literature cited and appendices

2、 A research question is a statement that identifies the focus of the topic. What two purposes does it serve?
评分规则: To identify the specific objectives of the research.To determine the size of the research and the length of the paper.

3、 1. Please read Text 3 and Text 4 in the textbook respectively on Page 12 & 15 and then list their research questions respectively? Text 3Research questions 1:________Research questions 2:_______Research questions 3:______ Text 4Research questions 1:______Research questions 2:______Research questions 3:_________
评分规则: Text 3:1. How many types of cloud services are there and what are they?2. What is green computing?3. What are the advantages of the cloud computing? Text 41. What is Web 3.02. What are the advantages and disadvantages of of the cloud computing?3. What security benefits can the cloud computing provide?

作业第五周 Homework of Week 7







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